Daily Devotional
Wonder Woman
May 17, 2020
Luke 2:19, “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”1 Samuel 12:24, “But be sure to fear the LORD and faithfully serve Him. Think of all the wonderful things He has done for you.”
Diana Prince had an unassuming manner, but she was always alert and ready to act at a moment's notice to use her powers to bring justice to the world — as her alter ego, Wonder Woman.Young Mary of Nazareth didn't have Wonder Woman's strength or "Lasso of Truth," but she did have an even more incredible superpower — a heart for God. No one would ever have suspected that she would be chosen to birth the Messiah, Jesus Christ! But within the moment she received this notice from an angel, she exhibited strength of character. Her response said it all: "I am the Lord's servant. May your word to me be fulfilled." Right then, she went from ordinary Mary to a "wonder woman!"Without a doubt, it would take God's strength in the days to come. Because she was unwed and pregnant, Mary endured hardships. Even when God's plan didn’t make sense on paper, her faith never wavered. In her obedience, God equipped her with the power to persevere through every high and low, every moment of victory and grief.Do you need peace amid uncertainty? Make Mary's words your own, "I am the Lord's servant." With a willing heart, be ready to follow God's call at a moment's notice. Allow Him to work through you to show His WONDER to the world because that's how everyday heroes are made!
“Willingness” is a choice. Complete this sentence: “Lord, I’m not sure I can _______________, but I’m willing to trust You to show me Your plan. Today I will be obedient and _______________.”
Dear Lord, I am Your servant willing to follow wherever You lead me. Help me to step out of Your way and trust You to fulfill Your plans for my life. Guide my steps and actions according to Your purpose. In Jesus’ name, Amen.