We're here to help
Our recovery groups are for anyone seeking Christian encouragement while recovering from and overcoming life's challenges. We are committed to sharing experiences, strengths, and hope with each other in an open and confidential setting.

12 Step Recovery For Addiction or Compulsive Behavior - Men
Location: Room A2
Time(s): Monday at 7:00pm
12 Step Recovery For Addiction or Compulsive Behavior - Women
Location: Room A3
Time(s): Tuesday at 7:00pm
12 Step Recovery For Addiction or Compulsive Behavior - Coed
Location: Room A3
Time(s): Thursday at 7:00pm
Al-Anon: Co-Dependency Support Group
Location: Room A2
Time(s): Thursday at 7:00pm
12 Step Recovery For Addiction or Compulsive Behavior - Coed
Location: Room 3
Time(s): Wednesday at 7:00pm
Freedom Group For Men Who Struggle With Unwanted Sexual Behavior
Location: Online
Available Time(s): Monday at 8:00pm, Tuesday at 7:00am, Wednesday at 6:00pm, Wednesday at 8:00pm, Saturday at 9:00am (Medical Professionals)
Trauma Betrayal Group For Women Married To Sex Addicts
*New group forming January 8
Recovery Pastors
Mark & Beth Denison
Mark and Beth are addiction recovery specialists, with extensive experience and training in the field. Beth is a Certified Life Coach, an A.A.S.A.T. Certified Partners Recovery Coach, and a trauma specialist. Mark has a Master’s Degree in Addiction Recovery and is a trained P.S.A.P. Together, they are founders of an international recovery ministry, There’s Still Hope, and have authored nine books on recovery, including Jesus & the 12 Steps, Partner Recovery Guide, and Life Recovery Plan.

Still have questions?
Do you still have questions about our Support & Recovery groups? Our team is here to help. Click "Get In Touch" to contact someone from our team.