Where Do My Kids Start With Jesus?
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
The greatest gift our children ever receive is a relationship with Jesus! It's essential to remember, however, that this is a path we invite them to walk with us, not one we can push them down. Here are some tangible steps you can take to lovingly direct your children towards Jesus.
Embody the Relationship You Desire for Them
You cannot lead your kids to a place you have not been yourself. To guide your children towards Jesus, you must first cultivate your own relationship with him. It starts with self-reflection and personal growth in your own faith.
Take Action: Regularly evaluate your relationship with Jesus; make sure it's growing and vibrant. Let this relationship be visible to your kids.
Make Your Relationship with Jesus a Part of Everyday Life
Faith isn't just for Sundays – it should permeate every aspect of your family's life. Pray with your children, read the Bible together, and encourage them to see Jesus in the everyday moments.
Take Action: Incorporate Jesus into your daily routines. Look for teachable moments to show your children how Jesus impacts all aspects of life.
Involve Your Children in Church
Get your kids involved in activities that will nurture their relationship with Jesus. For example, being a part of Power Up, which is our experience on Sunday mornings for children whose parents serve, is a phenomenal opportunity for children. Here, they learn leadership principles, memorize scriptures, build lasting relationships, and discover the gifts and talents that God has given them.
Take Action: Encourage your children to participate in church and serve others. Better yet, participate with them to show your dedication and commitment!
Nurture Their Personal Relationship with Jesus
Each child will have a unique relationship with Jesus. Encourage them to foster this relationship through prayer and reading the Bible. Make space for their questions and doubts, and navigate these together. Initiate discussions about their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with Jesus. Be a safe space for their spiritual exploration.
Take Action: Throughout the year, FC Kids hosts our Kids Baptism Classes, where your child can learn more about what it truly means to follow Jesus. Here, they will be a part of an interactive message and find clarity on the importance of the Gospel.
If they have expressed interest about beginning a relationship with Jesus, you can refer to our Kids Next Step Booklet on how to walk through the ABC Rescue Prayer with them and answer any question they may have about what it means to be a Christ-follower.
Lead by Example
Actions speak louder than words. Model the love, compassion, and forgiveness of Jesus in your own interactions. When your children see the positive impact of Jesus in your life, they'll be more inclined to seek him in theirs. Remember, your children are always watching and soaking up more than you think! As a parent you have the opportunity to embody what a relationship with Jesus looks like.
Take Action: No one is perfect, so be quick to apologize and demonstrate repentance and reconciliation to your kids when you make mistakes. This teaches them about Jesus’ grace, love and forgiveness. Leading your kids towards Jesus is not an overnight process; it's a journey of love, patience, and faith. Begin the journey today, and trust that God will do the rest.