Disciplines Of A Great Family

July 21, 2024

Disciplines Of A Great Family

In this sermon, Sam and Laurie Kelly discuss the six disciplines of a great family, emphasizing the importance of loving God, commitment, discipline, purity, presence, and perseverance, and how these principles were modeled by their parents and continue to shape their family life.


July 14, 2024


In this sermon, EJ and Jessica Young discuss the nature of worry, its pervasive impact on different areas of life, and how, according to biblical teachings, trust in God's plan and prioritizing Jesus can help overcome the anxieties of tomorrow.

Generational Wealth

July 7, 2024

Generational Wealth

In this sermon, Pastor Brad and Landra Hughes reveal the true meaning of generational wealth, focusing on faith and values. They provide guidance on passing a relationship with Jesus, a love for His house, and a purpose-driven life to future generations.

Three W's of Christianity

June 30, 2024

Three W's of Christianity

In this sermon, Pastor Ed Young and Dr. Ben Young explore the core mission of Christianity, exploring the Three Ws: Worship, Walk, and Win. In this enlightening video, they explore what it means to worship Christ, walk with Christ, and win others to Christ through powerful biblical scriptures.

Ed & Lisa Young’s Response to The State of The Church Today

June 23, 2024

Ed & Lisa Young’s Response to The State of The Church Today

In this sermon, Pastors Ed and Lisa Young address the current state of the church. They emphasize the importance of holiness and purity, reminding us that as followers of Christ, we are called to emulate Jesus in our daily lives. Their message serves as a powerful reminder that our actions and choices should reflect our commitment to living a Christ-like life.

The God Of What's Left

June 16, 2024

The God Of What's Left

In this sermon, Brad White emphasizes that no matter what we have lost in life, God can bring more out of what remains, using the biblical story of Nebuchadnezzar and personal testimonies to illustrate how God's grace and sovereignty can restore and transform the remnants of our lives into something greater.

Coffee And Conversation

June 9, 2024

Coffee And Conversation

In this sermon, Ed Young discusses the importance of personal evangelism, encouraging Christians to share their faith through intimate conversations and the simple gospel message, and inviting those who don't know Jesus to accept Him and experience the divine rescue He offers.

How to Put Faith into Action

June 2, 2024

How to Put Faith into Action

In this sermon, Ed Young emphasizes the importance of Christians actively engaging in rescuing those who are spiritually drowning, likening it to a life-saving mission where Jesus is the life ring and believers are called to throw the ring to those in need.

Seeing God As He Really Is

May 26, 2024

Seeing God As He Really Is

In this sermon, Jimmy Evans discusses how seeing God as He really is can transform our relationship with Him, emphasizing the importance of moving past our distorted perceptions based on past experiences to embrace God's true nature of mercy, grace, patience, goodness, truth, forgiveness, and justice.

The Way, The Truth, And The Life

May 19, 2024

The Way, The Truth, And The Life

In this sermon, Sam Kelly emphasizes that Jesus is the only way to Heaven, the ultimate truth, and the source of life, urging listeners to understand the exclusivity of Christ’s salvation and to live a life that reflects their faith in Him.

Mother & Child

May 12, 2024

Mother & Child

In this message, Jimmy Evans celebrates Mother's Day by discussing the lessons from Mary, the mother of Jesus, emphasizing the divine aspect of motherhood and the importance of nurturing and guiding children according to God's purpose.

How To Find True Intimacy

May 5, 2024

How To Find True Intimacy

In this message, Joshua Broome explores the true nature of intimacy as a deep, spiritual connection with God rather than merely physical closeness, emphasizing the transformative power of God's love and truth in overcoming life's challenges and misconceptions.

3 Things You Need To Know About Christianity

April 28, 2024

3 Things You Need To Know About Christianity

In this powerful talk, Pastor Cliffe Knechtle give us three things we need to know about Christianity, including the difference between forgiveness and justice, what are heaven and hell, and the most important question of all why we all need Jesus. Don't miss this opportunity to hear from "Ask Cliffe," a renowned defender of faith and truth!

Answering Christianities 5 Toughest Questions

April 21, 2024

Answering Christianities 5 Toughest Questions

In this powerful talk, Pastor Cliffe Knechtle answers 5 of the toughest questions about Christianity, including the reasons for suffering, the evidence supporting Jesus' resurrection, and the relationship between science and faith. Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, this talk will challenge and encourage you.

A Conversation With Dr. Phil McGraw

April 7, 2024

A Conversation With Dr. Phil McGraw

Pastor Ed Young sits down with Dr Phil McGraw for a candid discussion on faith, family, and the future of America. Dr. Phil shares his insights on the challenges facing our nation, the impact of technology on our youth, and the crucial role of the church in building strong communities.

Reclaim Your God-Given Authority

March 31, 2024

Reclaim Your God-Given Authority

In this message, Ed Young illustrates the concept of something being lost and found to explore how we have lost the authority originally given by God, but through Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, this authority has been legally regained, offering us protection, identity, and purpose under God's sovereignty.

Trusting Gods Authority When You Don’t Understand

March 24, 2024

Trusting Gods Authority When You Don’t Understand

In this sermon, Ed Young illustrates through biblical and personal stories how rebellion against God's authority leads to personal and spiritual failure, emphasizing the importance of obedience and submission to God's ordained authority structures in our lives.

Finding Freedom Under God's Authority

March 17, 2024

Finding Freedom Under God's Authority

In this message, Ed Young explores the concept of spiritual authority, illustrating that God has entrusted us with the "umbrella of authority" to live under His guidance and extend His kingdom, urging us to embrace this responsibility rather than reject it.

DIY VS God’s Plans

March 10, 2024

DIY VS God’s Plans

In this message, Dave Clark emphasizes the importance of surrendering our DIY mentality and embracing God's plans for our lives, illustrating through personal anecdotes and the biblical story of Naaman, that true fulfillment and healing come from obedience, humility, and faith in God's guidance rather than our own efforts.

Don’t Blow It!

March 4, 2024

Don’t Blow It!

In this message, Sam Kelly emphasizes the importance of taking proactive steps to ensure the faith and values are passed down to future generations, drawing parallels between biblical figures who "blew it" and the modern challenge of Christian engagement in building the church and influencing the next generation positively.

The Key To Contentment

February 25, 2024

The Key To Contentment

In this message, Derric Bonnot explains that true contentment is found in Jesus alone, illustrating through personal experiences and biblical insights how adding anything to Jesus for fulfillment leads back to dissatisfaction, and emphasizing that through Christ's strength alone, we can be content in every circumstance.