Daily Reading & Prayer

Grow In Your Faith

Read or listen to the Bible 5 minutes a day through the life of Jesus.

June 22, 2024

Matthew 20

Matthew 20:26-28 teaches us that true greatness is found in serving others, as demonstrated by Jesus who came to serve and give His life as a ransom for many. Embracing a servant's mindset in all areas of life not only helps those around us but also transforms our own hearts, glorifying God through acts of kindness and generosity.

June 21, 2024

Matthew 19

Matthew 19:4-6 teaches us that marriage is a divine, sacred covenant created by God, intended to be a lifelong union between a man and a woman. This passage calls us to honor and cherish marriage, reflecting the deep, enduring relationship between Christ and the church, by committing to faithfulness and love in our marital relationships.

June 20, 2024

Matthew 18

Matthew 18:21-22 teaches us the boundless nature of forgiveness, illustrating that just as we have received mercy from God for our insurmountable sins, we too must extend forgiveness to others. This act of letting go not only aligns us with God's grace but also promotes our own physical and emotional well-being, freeing us from the burdens of resentment and bitterness.

June 19, 2024

Matthew 17

Matthew 17:16-20 teaches us the importance of unwavering faith, showing that even faith as small as a mustard seed can achieve the impossible. This passage challenges us to examine and strengthen our faith, encouraging us to trust in God's power and to pray boldly, confident that through Christ, nothing is impossible.

June 18, 2024

Matthew 16

Matthew 16:24-26 teaches us to follow Jesus through self-denial and sacrifice, emphasizing that true life is found in surrendering to Him rather than seeking worldly success. This calls us to reflect on our motivations and align our lives with the values of God's kingdom, promoting Jesus' message above all else.

June 17, 2024

Matthew 15

Matthew 15:1-2 highlights the Pharisees questioning Jesus about handwashing rituals. This reminds us that true godliness comes from a transformed heart, not external rituals. Reflect on whether you prioritize outward appearances over inward change, and seek a pure heart through faith in Jesus.

June 16, 2024

Matthew 14

Following Christ can lead us into storms, like the disciples faced at sea. These challenges strengthen our faith and reliance on Him. Jesus knew about the storm and used it to teach important spiritual lessons and protect His disciples. In difficult times, seek God's presence and trust His guidance.

June 15, 2024

Matthew 13

Our hearts can be like hard soil, resistant to God's truth. To grow spiritually, we need to ask God to soften these areas and fill our hearts with His Word and the Holy Spirit. Confess and repent of hardened areas, nourish your heart with Scripture, and seek the Holy Spirit's guidance daily for a fruitful life.

June 14, 2024

Matthew 12

Our words reflect our hearts. Good hearts produce good words, while evil hearts produce evil words. Only God's transformation can change our hearts to value and speak good. Pray for a heart filled with God's goodness to speak life and truth.

June 13, 2024

Matthew 11

In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus offers true rest to those who are weary. This rest provides deep refreshment, freeing us from guilt, sin, and the need to earn God's favor. Trusting in Jesus transforms our burdens into joy and peace. Hand your stresses to God and experience His relief.