Daily Reading & Prayer

Grow In Your Faith

Read or listen to the Bible 5 minutes a day through the life of Jesus.

June 2, 2024

Don't Hide

Confession, though challenging, is essential for spiritual growth and freedom. By admitting our faults, we invite God's mercy and renewal, transforming our relationship with Him from shame to liberation and grace.

June 1, 2024

Can I Really

Struggling with prayer often comes from overthinking and formality, making it feel distant. True prayer is about delighting in God and having simple, genuine communion with Him. Integrate prayer into daily activities, sharing honest thoughts with Him throughout the day.

May 31, 2024

No More Stones

Just like a boy's backpack filled with hidden stones, we accumulate burdens in life that weigh us down. Jesus invites us to come to Him for rest, allowing us to exchange our burdens for His peace and comfort.

May 30, 2024

Tagged Pictures

Social media can lead to unhealthy comparisons and seeking approval. We are encouraged to live for God, transforming our minds to focus on His will, and finding our true value in His approval rather than the fleeting judgments of others.

May 29, 2024


Memorial Day reminds us of the sacrifices for our freedoms. For Christians, remembrance is vital, urging us to remember Jesus' sacrifice and live in His freedom. Let this inspire gratitude and commitment to our national and spiritual heritage.

May 28, 2024

Not About Me

Follow Jesus' example by making daily sacrifices to help others. Honor Him through small acts of kindness, demonstrating the gospel's message and positively impacting those around you. Pray for strength to act selflessly and put others first.

May 27, 2024

Memorial Day

This Memorial Day, reflect on the sacrifices of over a million service members who died for our freedom. Honor them by thanking a veteran or their family, and pray for comfort for those who mourn. Live responsibly with the freedom their sacrifice has granted us.

May 26, 2024


Isaiah 49:15b-16 reminds us that God will never forget us, symbolizing His everlasting commitment by engraving us on His palms. This reflects His deep love and the ultimate sacrifice of Christ. We are encouraged to remember God's faithfulness through personal spiritual landmarks.

May 25, 2024

Ask Me

James 1:5 teaches us that true wisdom comes from God, who gives generously and without judgment. Unlike easily accessible online information, God's guidance offers deep, genuine support, especially in difficult times. We should seek His wisdom daily through prayer and aligning our decisions with His will.

May 24, 2024

Not There Yet

Philippians 3:13-14 encourages us to keep pressing forward in our spiritual journey despite challenges. Like a marathon, achieving spiritual maturity requires perseverance and support from others. Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, accompanies us, providing strength and guidance to continue moving toward our heavenly goal.