Daily Reading & Prayer

Grow In Your Faith

Read or listen to the Bible 5 minutes a day through the life of Jesus.

August 10, 2024

John 9, 10

John 10:10-11 reminds us that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, offers us an abundant life and lays down His life for us, protecting us from the enemy who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. Trusting in His unwavering presence and care, we find strength and hope, especially during hard seasons, and truly know the Shepherd who guides and sustains us.

August 9, 2024

John 8

John 8:31-32 teaches us that true discipleship involves holding to Jesus' teachings, which leads to knowing the truth that sets us free. By fully surrendering control of our lives to Jesus, we ensure His perfect guidance and wisdom, bringing us peace and direction amidst life's challenges.

August 8, 2024

John 7

John 7:37-38 reveals that true spiritual renewal and abundant life flow from belief in Jesus, who offers living water to those who thirst. When we feel spiritually drained, Jesus invites us to come to Him for replenishment, ensuring our hearts overflow with the Holy Spirit's renewing presence, providing deep satisfaction and strength.

August 7, 2024

John 6

John 6:16-20 illustrates that amidst life's storms, Jesus is always with us, even when we feel overwhelmed and afraid. Just as He calmed the waters and brought peace to the disciples, He invites us to trust in His presence and strength to navigate our trials and find solace in His deliverance.

August 6, 2024

John 5

John 5:5-6 reminds us that true healing and fulfillment come from Jesus, who asks if we truly want to be well. Just as the man by the pool was healed by turning to Christ, we too must recognize our weaknesses and seek Jesus' strength and presence for genuine healing and satisfaction.

August 5, 2024

John 4

John 4:13-15 teaches us that true fulfillment comes from Jesus, who offers living water that satisfies our deepest needs. Unlike the temporary pleasures of this world, a relationship with Christ provides lasting contentment, stability, and peace, freeing us from the cycle of constantly seeking something new.

August 4, 2024

John 3

John 3:30 reminds us that Jesus must become greater, and we must become less, highlighting the importance of humility in our lives. This calls us to recognize that every success and blessing comes from God, urging us to always give Him the glory He deserves, and to embrace a kingdom-minded perspective where Christ's prominence is our true goal.

August 3, 2024

John 2

John 2:2-5 shows Mary instructing the servants to "Do whatever he tells you," which leads to Jesus performing his first miracle, turning water into wine. This calls us to trust and obey Jesus' guidance, opening the door to experiencing His transformative power in our lives.

August 2, 2024

John 1

John 1:1-4,14 affirms that Jesus is the eternal Word, fully God, and Creator of all things, who became flesh to dwell among us. This foundational truth calls us to worship and obey Him, recognizing His authority and the depth of His love and sacrifice for our sins.

August 1, 2024

Luke 23, 24

Luke 24:27, 32 highlights how Jesus' explanation of the Scriptures rekindled the hearts of the disciples on the road to Emmaus. This reminds us that true spiritual vitality and passionate worship come from centering our lives on Christ and immersing ourselves in His Word, allowing His presence to ignite our hearts anew.