Daily Reading & Prayer

Grow In Your Faith

Read or listen to the Bible 5 minutes a day through the life of Jesus.

March 5, 2024


Hebrews 11:13, 39-40 emphasizes the importance of living by faith, recognizing that the true heroes in the "Hall of Faith" were commended not for their earthly achievements but for their unwavering trust in God's promises, despite not seeing them fulfilled in their lifetimes. This passage challenges us to reflect on our own lives and legacies, encouraging us to live in a manner that shows consistent faith in God's plan, finding contentment and hope in Him through all circumstances.

March 4, 2024

Trust Choice

Luke 5:5-7 illustrates the power of trusting God's guidance over our doubts, as demonstrated by Simon Peter's leap of faith leading to an abundant catch. This narrative encourages us to look beyond our limitations and embrace God's grander vision for our lives, highlighting the significance of our existence and purpose beyond worldly accolades or achievements.

March 3, 2024

Do It Wobbly

Galatians 6:9 and James 1:12 encourage us to persevere through life's imperfections and challenges, embracing our "squeaky wheels" with humility and resilience. This devotional reminds us that perfection isn't the goal; rather, it's about showing up, wobbly and all, and extending grace to ourselves and others as we navigate life's trials, trusting in God's strength and timing for the harvest and crown of life promised to those who love and persevere in Him.

March 2, 2024

He Left It

John 14:27 and Psalm 139:23-24 remind us that in the midst of life's uncertainties and challenges, we are invited to experience God's unique peace, a peace that transcends understanding and is not offered by the world. By surrendering control to God and allowing Him to search our hearts, we can navigate our struggles with a sense of wholeness and trust in His guidance, ensuring that our journey, even through pain, is marked by His presence and peace.

March 1, 2024

Peaks of Joy

James 1:2-3 challenges us to find joy in adversity, not by ignoring pain, but by shifting our perspective to trust in God's ultimate plan for our growth and refinement. This devotional encourages embracing both sorrow and joy as part of our faith journey, recognizing that God is with us through all trials, transforming our hardships into opportunities for growth, hope, and future blessings.

February 29, 2024

Not A Quick Fix

Psalm 16:11, Romans 15:13, and John 17:13 convey that true joy is not a superficial or instant feeling but a deep, enduring state rooted in our relationship with God, reflecting a trust in His provision and a purpose to manifest His presence in our lives, encouraging us to cultivate joy as a lifestyle choice, finding it in God's presence and promises regardless of our circumstances.

February 28, 2024

Adversity Test

1 Timothy 6:6 and Philippians 4:11 remind us that both adversity and prosperity serve as tests of our character, urging us to maintain our focus on God and find contentment in Him regardless of our circumstances, thereby highlighting the importance of relying on faith to navigate the challenges and blessings life presents, ensuring our ultimate fulfillment and joy are found in Christ.

February 27, 2024

What Is Contentment

Philippians 4:12 teaches us that contentment isn't about our external circumstances but stems from our relationship with Christ, highlighting that it's possible to experience genuine contentment in God's presence regardless of our situation, while still acknowledging and bringing our desires before Him, trusting in His wisdom and timing for our lives.

February 26, 2024

Finding Contentment

Philippians 4:11b and Psalm 103:5 remind us that true contentment and fulfillment come not from worldly possessions or status but from recognizing and being grateful for God's blessings and provision, encouraging us to focus on what truly matters and find peace and satisfaction in God's plans for us, regardless of our current circumstances.

February 25, 2024


Luke 2:48-49 and Habakkuk 2:2 challenge us to live a vision-led life, emphasizing the importance of focus and purpose in the midst of distractions, just as Jesus exemplified. By establishing and adhering to a clear vision, we can navigate life's responsibilities and influences with intention, ensuring our actions align with God's plans and priorities for us.