Daily Reading & Prayer

Grow In Your Faith

Read or listen to the Bible 5 minutes a day through the life of Jesus.

March 15, 2024

You Can’t Handle It

Psalm 119:4-5 underscores the paramount importance of obedience over achievements, emphasizing that genuine adherence to God's commands surpasses even the highest human accomplishments. This devotional calls us to prioritize a steadfast commitment to God's will, mirroring Jesus' example of perfect obedience, and to see trials as opportunities to deepen our faith and obedience. It reassures us that while we may struggle with obedience, God's grace is sufficient to cover our shortcomings, inviting us to continually strive for alignment with His decrees, grounded in trust and the empowering grace of God.

March 14, 2024

Don’t Tell Me What to Do

Proverbs 16:3 and 3:9 convey the importance of obeying God's commands, including tithing, as an act of faith and trust, reflecting on the natural human tendency to resist authority but highlighting that God's guidance is for our benefit, not to restrict us. This passage encourages us to commit our actions and resources to the Lord, trusting that He will guide us towards wisdom, protection, and blessings, much like a parent's directions are meant to safeguard rather than limit their child.

March 13, 2024


John 15:1-5 emphasizes the necessity of remaining in Jesus to bear fruit, illustrating that God, as the gardener, prunes us to make us more fruitful, signifying that obedience to God's commands is an expression of our love for Him. This passage encourages immediate obedience as a natural outcome of our relationship with Jesus, highlighting that spiritual growth and productivity stem from staying connected to Him, akin to branches that must remain attached to the vine to thrive.

March 12, 2024

Are You Stumbling?

1 Peter 2:8 uses the metaphor of a stumbling stone to illustrate how disobedience to God's Word leads to spiritual faltering, much like how farmers in the Midwest use ropes to stay anchored during storms. This passage emphasizes the importance of adhering to Scripture as our guide and lifeline through life's challenges, ensuring we remain steadfast in faith and do not lose our way amidst the tempests of doubt and uncertainty.

March 11, 2024

To Obey

1 Samuel 15:20-22 highlights the importance of obedience over sacrifice, using King Saul's story to remind us that true adherence to God's commands is paramount, rather than offering acts of worship as a cover for disobedience. Just as Saul claimed innocence through wrongful sacrifice, we are called to follow God's commands without altering them to fit our own desires, embodying genuine obedience in every aspect of our lives.

March 10, 2024

Does it Matter

Matthew 25:21 and Colossians 3:23-24 teach us that every aspect of our daily life, no matter how routine or mundane, is significant when done for the glory of God. This devotional encourages us to find joy and purpose in serving God through our everyday actions, reminding us that God's presence accompanies us in all things, transforming even the simplest tasks into acts of worship.

March 9, 2024

Just Do It

Ecclesiastes 11:4 and Proverbs 13:4 emphasize the pitfalls of procrastination and the value of diligence, illustrating how watching the wind or clouds—metaphors for waiting for perfect conditions—leads to inaction, while diligence brings satisfaction. This devotional challenges us to confront procrastination by setting specific, achievable goals, relying on God's strength to overcome fears and perfectionism, thereby becoming more effective and faithful stewards of our time and responsibilities.

March 8, 2024


Matthew 5:6 emphasizes the importance of hungering and thirsting for righteousness, promising fulfillment for those who do. This devotional explores our spiritual hunger for God, paralleling it with historical changes in physical eating habits, to underscore our innate desire for a deeper relationship with God. It encourages us to actively seek God, promising that our pursuit will deepen our understanding, propel us into our God-given purpose, and enable us to participate in advancing His kingdom through acts of grace, truth, and hope.

March 7, 2024

Grasp the Moment

Acts 9:15 - When God called Ananias to minister to Saul, his enemy, it underscored the transformative power of obedience and trust in God's plan, demonstrating that embracing God's call can lead to unexpected and miraculous outcomes. This story encourages us to respond with faith and boldness to God's invitations, trusting in His sovereignty and the surprising ways He can work through us to fulfill His purposes.

March 6, 2024

Made For More

Hebrews 13:21 and 2 Peter 1:3 emphasize that God equips us with everything necessary for living a life pleasing to Him, encouraging us to discover and fulfill our purpose before it's too late. Through the example of Oskar Schindler, we're reminded of the profound impact one can make by focusing on what truly matters and stepping out of comfort zones, relying on God's strength and guidance. This calls for identifying areas where we can extend our trust in God to achieve His purposes, emphasizing the importance of using our gifts for meaningful endeavors.