Daily Reading & Prayer

Grow In Your Faith

Read or listen to the Bible 5 minutes a day through the life of Jesus.

March 25, 2024

Turn It Upside Down

Matthew 21:10-13 highlights Jesus' cleansing of the Temple, urging us to remove distractions and prioritize genuine worship and inclusivity in our relationship with God. This act calls for a reflective examination of our lives, emphasizing the importance of authenticity in our spiritual journey.

March 24, 2024

Palm Sunday – It Begins With A Party

Matthew 21:8-9 captures the jubilant spirit of Palm Sunday, marking the beginning of Passion Week with crowds celebrating Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem. This moment, filled with praise and anticipation, sets the stage for the unfolding events of Jesus' final days, highlighting the contrast between His humble approach and the ultimate sacrifice He was about to make. It reminds us of the depth of God's love and the transformative power of Christ's sacrificial journey, urging us to share this message of redemption and hope with others as we reflect on the true meaning of Easter.

March 23, 2024

Why Can’t I Let Go?

Proverbs 3:5-6 and Proverbs 8:17 underscore the importance of trusting in the Lord with all our heart and seeking Him to find direction and fulfillment in our lives. This passage encourages us to embrace a journey of deepening trust and surrender to God, emphasizing that understanding and intimacy with God grow as we invest in our relationship with Him through prayer and Scripture, leading to a more profound peace and confidence in His perfect plan.

March 22, 2024

Give It Up

Matthew 6:33-34 advises us to prioritize seeking God's kingdom and righteousness, promising that our needs will be met and urging us not to worry about the future. This passage highlights the futility of wrestling for control over our lives, advocating for surrender to God's will as the path to true peace and fulfillment, encouraging a daily practice of prayerful surrender and trust in God's sovereignty.

March 21, 2024

Not Really

2 Chronicles 25:2, 7-9 illustrates the pitfalls of half-hearted obedience to God through the story of King Amaziah, who initially seeks God's favor but ultimately turns away, leading to his downfall. This narrative emphasizes the importance of wholehearted trust in God's power over reliance on human strength, and the consequences of disregarding divine guidance, urging us to consistently follow God's will for true fulfillment and purpose.

March 20, 2024

He Can

Hebrews 4:16 and Isaiah 45:6-7 remind us that God is sovereign and powerful, inviting us to approach His throne of grace with confidence in our time of need. This passage emphasizes God's infinite capability and willingness to assist us, reassuring us that unlike human limitations, God is always able to provide help, comfort, and guidance for His children, underscoring the importance of trusting in His loving sovereignty and authority.

March 19, 2024

I Am Not God

Psalm 46:10 encourages us to "Be still, and know that I am God," reminding us to release our desire for control and trust in God's sovereignty for genuine peace and fulfillment. It teaches us that acknowledging God's leadership and wisdom in every aspect of our lives is the key to experiencing true growth and rest.

March 18, 2024

You Got This

1 Peter 2:13-15 emphasizes the importance of submitting to every human authority for the Lord's sake, showcasing our faith through respectful behavior even in challenging situations. This teaches us to demonstrate Jesus' love and the Gospel in our actions, especially when facing unjust or difficult authority figures, by not engaging in gossip or rebellion but praying for them instead.

March 17, 2024

My Plays

Psalm 32:8 and Luke 6:46 highlight the essence of obedience in faith, using Roger Staubach's experience of achieving harmony and victory through obedience to Coach Tom Landry as a metaphor for our spiritual walk. This devotional encourages us to align with God's will through obedience, promising fulfillment and victory in our faith journey. It calls for introspection on areas where we resist God's guidance, urging a commitment to follow His lead for a deeper relationship and blessings.

March 16, 2024

Tough Obedience

Jeremiah 1:8 and 29:11 highlight the challenge and necessity of obedience through Jeremiah's experience, showing that faithfulness to God can demand perseverance in difficult circumstances. This devotional emphasizes that God's presence and promises, including plans for hope and a future, sustain us through trials, encouraging us to trust in God's plan and continue in obedience, even when facing adversity or discomfort.